- Centre Neuro Psychiatrique Saint-Martin – Belgium
- Centre Hospitalier Saint-Anne – France
- Henallux - Belgium
- IFSI V. Olivier - France
- Pôle précarité, GHU Paris - France
- CPAS de Charleroi - Belgium
- Phénix Asbl - Belgium
- Clinique de l'Exil - Belgium
- Relais Social Urbain Namurois - Belgium
- Croix-Rouge de Belgique, Demandeur d'asile - Belgium
Update : 2023-08-25 15:19:05
The project consists of developing and offering the services of a mobile intervention team.
The aim of this team is to diagnose and direct asylum seekers and refugees, depending on their individual situation, towards a care pathway that it coordinates.
In this dynamic, the team also intervenes with residential (inpatient) and outpatient care teams, which it supports and accompanies in its therapeutic actions.